A Peer Reviewed Publication of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria (AMLSN)

About Journal of Medical Laboratory Science

Journal of Medical Laboratory Science (JoMLS) is an international, online/print, open access, peer-reviewed journal, which is published by the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria. All articles are published under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0), and have Digital Object Identifier (DOI) assigned. The JoMLS is indexed on INDEX COPERNICUS with ICV of 89.13 for 2020 and OpenAIRE

ISSN 1116-1043


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Aims & Scopes

The Journal of Medical Laboratory Science (JoMLS) is a quarterly publication of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria. It publishes high quality, original Research and Mini review articles in all fields of Biomedical Sciences and Laboratory Medicine covering Medical Microbiology, Medical Parasitology, Clinical Chemistry, Haematology, Blood Group Serology, Cytogenetic, Exfoliation Cytology, Medical Virology, Medical Mycology, Histopathology and Immunochemistry. Special interest, New Biological, Laboratory case reports, Diagnostic Reagents and Fabricated Laboratory hardware. Molecular Biology articles involving “Omic” technologies such as Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics and Laboratory-based case reports will be highly considered. Advances that have reached an acceptable degree of completion in Biochemical and Pathophysiological Mechanisms may also be considered for publication in the JoMLS.

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Archived Publications (Vol 30, No 2, 2020)

Below is a listing of all the papers accepted for Volume 30, No. 2, published in June 2020. Vol. 30 no2 cover page

Current Publications

Archived Publications (Vol 30, No 1, 2020)

Below is a listing of all the papers accepted for Volume 30, No. 1, published in April 2020. Vol. 30 no1 cover page

Current Publications

Archived Publications (Vol 29, No 3, 2019)

Below is a listing of all the papers accepted for Volume 29, No. 3, published in December 2019. Vol. 29 no3 cover page

Archived Publications

Archived Publications (Vol 29, No 2, 2019)

Below is a listing of all the papers accepted for Volume 29, No. 2, published in August 2019. Vol. 29 no2 cover page

Current Publications

Achived Publications (Vol 29, No 1, 2019)

Below is a listing of all the papers accepted for Volume 29, No. 1, published in April 2019. Vol. 29 cover page

Archived Publications

Archived Publications (Vol 28, No 1, 2018)

Archived Publications

Archived Publications (Vol 27, No 1, 2017)

Archived Publications

Go to Full Editorial Team

Current Editorial Board

The board comprises of the President of AMLSN, a Chief Editor and numerous others for each of the nine sections of this medical journal.

Editorial Board

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Bassey Enya Bassey, PhD

Dr Bassey Enya Bassey, who is the current National President of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria (AMLSN), is a public health scientist with over 31 years of experience working in the Nigerian public health sector. His area of expertise cuts across, but not limited to fields of epidemiology, outbreak response, infectious disease control and policy management.

Having spent over a decade working in World Health Organization’s Expanded program on Immunization (EPI) serving in various capacities from National Surveillance Officer to State Coordinator of WHO EPI projects in three significant states in Nigeria, Dr Bassey knows what truly drives the successful planning and implementation of EPI projects- and it is not how many professional accolades you show up with to an event. It is actually how well you connect with the heart-beating people you are trying to help and how well you communicate your understanding back to them.

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Kingsley Anukam, PhD

Dr Kingsley Anukam has over 15 years experience conducting clinical laboratory research, teaching at post-secondary level, extensive writing, research, product development, and publication capabilities that resulted in over 80 scientific research publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Dr Kingsley Anukam is the current Editor-in-chief of this journal.

Doctorate degree in Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Master degree in Health Planning and Management and Bachelor's degree in Medical Laboratory Science. Vast experience in Human Microbiome sequencing with Illumina MiSeq and Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencers. Mining metagenomics information in relation to health and diseases. Own an Intellectual property ready to be scaled up.

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